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title: The Gun Show

created: 2016

development time: 6 weeks

team size: 9

engine: Unity

This was the first major project (and group project) that we completed at AIE.  We had six weeks to complete a game with a team that was put together for us.

The Gun Show is a first person shooter in which you must rid the earth of the robot invaders.  Every time you upgrade your gun it gets added on to the gun you already have and they all fire at once.  So by the time you've got a few different upgrades you're carrying around a massive crazy gun!

The concept was my idea and I was the project lead.  I basically took all of the scripts and all of the models produced by the team and put them together to make them work i.e. the robots moving around and exploding, the buildings exploding, all the gun functionality etc.  I also designed and created the tutorial level, desert level and all of the particle effects.

I think it was a well scoped idea and we were able to create a full game experience with a main menu, tutorial level, 3 normal levels (desert, forest, ice) and a final boss level.


"Dan - a really well written GDD and creative concept with an awesomely unique mechanic to give your game a marketable USP. Your style of writing is clear and concise, and you use excellent attention to detail in order to express your mechanics and process decisions.  Your story is tongue in cheek and effective at setting the tone of this shoot 'em up to the nth degree. The PWMD is a brilliant concept and plays on a trope in video games that has always begged to be satirised - finally we can explain how the player character can carry a dozen guns at once - by slapping them all together! This makes your game seem fun and frantic, and you continue to reinforce this with your mechanical choices to set the tone and experience for the player. Your core gameplay forms an excellent loop, and the way you intrinsically balance your levels through the use of spawning enemies as buildings are destroyed gives an interesting set of choices to the player in the way that they can go about accomplishing their goals... The thought and care you've put into your mechanics is obvious - you present a well-balanced arena that you can ramp up in a FLOW-abiding difficulty curve. Your objectives fit your theme well, and it's great that you've added additional choice to the player to be able to overstay their welcome to earn greater rewards. The ingenuity of your main mechanic for the PWMD is excellent, and I'm impressed at the level of detail you explored in the creation of this weapon... All round an excellent GDD, Dan, and a superb game concept. Great work."


Mark Riley, AIE Design teacher.

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