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title: Half Light

created: 2015

development time: 4 weeks

team size: 1

engine: Unity


This is where it all began, my first ever game.  In 2015 I completed a Cert III in Media - Introduction to Game Design, which taught me the basics of Unity, programming and modelling.  After almost quitting after the first night I went on to complete this project in the final 4 weeks which included all the modelling and implementation of provided scripts.  I have to say, given that I'd never done any 3D modelling work before, they were some pretty swanky looking chairs and doors.  And that water wheel?!  Superb.


It was an awesome and character building experience and is ultimately what led to me applying for the Advanced Diploma and being where I am today.


Project 06
Project 06
Project 06
Project 06
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