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title: Blockhead

created: 2017

development time: 5 weeks

team size: 1

engine: Unity


This game was made during the 'Production for clients' module, where we had to choose a specific theme from a large list, and make a game that was consistent with that theme.  We also had to have regular meetings with our 'clients' to give updates on the progression of the game.  The theme I chose was 'Gameplay Flow' and getting the player into that state of flow where nothing else exists but the game.


Continuing on from the previous game I wanted to do a project that would continue to diversify my portfolio.  I was also fairly burnt out from the previous project, so I wanted to make something that was simple to set up the base mechanics of, so that I could concentrate on level design and making fun levels.


With all that in mind I came up with Blockhead, a third person 3D platformer in which you need to change the colour of yourself to match the colour of the platform you're on.  It was a really fun project and I really enjoyed the freedom of having the bulk of the game done early so that I could concentrate on interesting level design and polish.


"Awesome work with your client interactions, Dan - I'm really impressed by the way you conducted yourself so professionally... You have clearly demonstrated that you've been paying attention these last couple of years to the fundamental principles of design and how to develop an intuitive user experience, as you've poured that knowledge into this product and absolutely achieved what you intended... Showing such a highly polished game that was developed in a five-week period - not only showing it, but playing it so proficiently and showcasing the high skill ceiling - was an excellent way to demonstrate the flow state of your game... Ultimately your master build is a huge success, Dan, and I've been enjoying using it as a demonstration for other teachers as a game that manages to deliver the player into a state of flow"


Mark Riley, AIE Design teacher.


Project 02
Project 02
Project 02

Download HERE

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